Bills We Support
OK SB495 | The Equal Justice and Equal Protection Act 
Sponsors: Senators Warren Hamilton and Nathan Dahm.
Bill Status: OK SB495 was voted down in a Senate HHS Committee hearing on February 3rd.
What Oklahomans Should Do: Meet with your pastor, State Senator, and State Representative about abolitionism and the Equal Justice and Equal Protection Act.* Like Free the States on Facebook, sign up for our email list, and subscribe to our YouTube channel.
(Bill number TBD) | The Abolition of Abortion in Texas Act 
Sponsors: TBD
Bill Status: Bill to be filed soon by Representative Bryan Slaton.
How to Support the Abolition of Abortion in Texas Act: Meet with your pastor, State Senator, and State Representative about abolitionism and the Abolition of Abortion in Texas Act.* Connect with Abolish Abortion Texas.
MO SB699 | The Abolition of Abortion in Missouri Act
Sponsor: Senator Mike Moon
Bill Status: SB699 has been assigned to the Seniors, Families, Veterans and Military Affairs Committee chaired by Senator Bill White.
Missourians should: Attend the rally to support SB699 at the State Capitol on Wednesday, February 9th at 1 pm. Email and call Bill White (573-751-2173 demanding a hearing for SB699. Meet with your pastor, State Senator, and State Representative about abolitionism and the Abolition of Abortion in Missouri Act.* Connect with Abolish Abortion Missouri.
IN HB1539 | The Protection at Conception Act
Sponsor: Curt Nisly and John Jacob.
Bill Status: The bill is in the State House Judiciary Committee chaired by Jerry Torr.
Indianans should: Email Jerry Torr ( and your State Representative demanding they support the Protection at Conception Act. Meet with your pastor, State Senator, and State Representative about abolitionism and the Protection at Conception Act.* Connect with Abolish Abortion Indiana.
AZ HB2650 | The Abolition of Abortion in Arizona Act/Equal Opportunity to Life Act
Sponsors: Representatives Walt Blackman, House Majority Leader Ben Toma, House Majority Whip Leo Biasiucci, Brenda Barton, Shawnna Bolick, Judy Burges, Frank Carroll, David Cook, John Fillmore, and Jake Hoffman.
Bill Status: The bill is awaiting a committee assignment.
Arizonans should: Meet with your pastor, State Senator, and State Representative about abolitionism and about HB2650.* Connect with End Abortion Now.
ID H0056 | The Idaho Abortion Human Rights Act
Sponsors: Representatives Heather Scott and Ron Nate
Bill Status: The bill has been assigned to the Ways and Means Committee chaired by Representative Brent Crane. During a meeting with abolitionists Scott, Arlene, and Esther Herndon, Crane promised not to hear the bill and called security without warning.
Idahoans Should: Meet with your pastor, State Senator, and State Representative about abolitionism and the Idaho Abortion Human Rights Act.* Connect with Abortion Human Rights Act Idaho.
(Bill Number TBD) | The Abolition of Abortion in Alaska Act
Sponsors: Representative David Eastman and more Representatives TBD
Bill Status: The bill has yet to be assigned a bill number.
Alaskans Should: Meet with your pastor, State Senator, and State Representative about abolitionism and the Abolition of Abortion in Alaska Act.*
WA HB2154 | The Abolition of Abortion in Washington Act
Sponsors: N/A
Bill Status: The bill’s primary author is no longer in office, so the bill was not reintroduced in 2021. WA abolitionists are searching for a new primary author.
Washingtonians should: Meet with your pastor, State Senator, and State Representative about abolitionism.* Connect with Abolish Abortion Washington.
*For meeting with legislators and pastors, two great resources are our Are You an Abolitionist? pamphlet and The Doctrine of Balaam by C.R. Cali. Our store will be operational in the coming weeks, but for now, you can order pamphlets through our contact form.