Contact Senator Greg McCortney Immediately!

Senator Greg McCortney needs to know immediately that you support the Abolition of Abortion in Oklahoma Act (SB13). SB13 has been assigned to his committee and, as chair of the committee, Senator McCortney has the choice right now of whether to give SB13 a hearing.

The people of Oklahoma have clearly spoken in support of SB13 and abortion’s total and immediate abolition. The Oklahoma Republican Party, Oklahoma Southern Baptists, and Oklahoma Free Will Baptists all passed resolutions in the past nine months in support of SB13. Thousands of Oklahomans showed up at the State Capitol on Tuesday, February 11th to demand its passage. These developments demonstrate that the people of Oklahoma are done compromising with abortion. SB13 is the only bill that would bring about abortion’s abolition. Every other abortion-related bill compromises.

Unfortunately, Senator McCortney is being pressured by Senate leadership to deny SB13 a hearing, and instead pass compromise bills that regulate abortion rather than abolish it. Each year the Oklahoma State government delays abolition by passing incremental compromise bills as a substitute for abolition, 5,000 more children are murdered. Don’t let this happen!

Senator McCortney needs to hear your support of SB13 as soon as possible so that he can take a courageous stand againstĀ Roe v. Wade and against Senate leadership. Please email him now and call him on Monday morning.


Phone Number: (405) 521-5541