Abolitionists Are Rising Across the Nation
Roe is dead, but abortion is alive and well. At this critical point in the history of the Abolitionist Movement, we must come together in our fight against the culture of death - both the pro-abortion side that proudly shouts their abortion, and the Pro-Life Establishment that opposes criminalizing abortion as murder.
Join us in Wichita, March 1-4, 2023 for our national Abolition Now Conference, the nation’s largest annual gathering of abolitionists. We need hundreds of abolitionists to come to Wichita and make an unforgettable impact on the city that will ripple out across the country. With the Abolitionist’s Movement’s rapid growth, the uptick in media coverage, and increase in political and denominational influence, this post-Dobbs moment is a crucial one to unify as a movement and move forward in this growth together as Abolitionists Rising across the nation. The theme of the conference, therefore, is Abolitionists Rising, and the conference coincides with the launch of our Abolitionists Rising project to cast a vision for a strong, unified Abolitionist Movement in a post-Dobbs era.
TEACHING: As always, the conference will include top-notch teaching from leading abolitionist thinkers and teachers including Russell Hunter, David Buboltz, and Bradley Pierce. These talks will touch on a number of subjects, but much of the content will be regarding the direction the Abolitionist Movement is headed after Roe v. Wade was overturned in a way that largely protected legal abortion.
ACTION: With targeted activism each day of the conference, we will seek to turn the city of Wichita upside down for Christ, as hundreds of abolitionists bring the Gospel of the Kingdom into conflict with the culture of death. With distribution of materials and street engagement, we want every Wichita resident to know the abolitionists were in town. We want them to hear the call to national repentance that is needed for our national sin of abortion. We want to see fruit born by the bushels as we engage in the work of the kingdom together. You will be blessed by the teaching and by putting your hand to the plow for Christ's kingdom, but we also NEED YOU to join us in this work. The activism and evangelism will be in groups, so there is no need to fear if you are inexperienced in these areas. There will be plenty of experienced activists to do watch and minister alongside.
The Abolition Now: Abolitionists Rising Conference runs from Wednesday evening through Saturday evening. For security reasons, the address and additional location details will be provided in your confirmation email upon registration.
Registration Includes
Each day there will be targeted activism with corresponding gear and resources.
Full registration ($145) covers attendance to the four-day conference, *three brand-new abolitionist t-shirts to be worn during planned events, plus brand-new abolitionist handouts, pamphlets, and drop cards. These materials at retail are more than a $200 value!
For those who are prohibited from attending the conference by the price of full registration, we still want you to come!
Basic registration ($65) covers attendance to the conference and the conference *t-shirt. Basic registration does not include abolitionist gear and resources.
*PLEASE NOTE: registrations after 2/15/23 can not be guaranteed correct shirt sizes*
Featured Speakers Include
T. Russell Hunter, Executive Director of Free the States
James Silberman, Communications Director of Free the States
Bradley Pierce, Director of Abolish Abortion Texas, Foundation to Abolish Abortion
David Buboltz, Executive Director of Abolish Abortion North Carolina
Kevan Myers, Grace Christian Bible Fellowship, Abolish Abortion Kansas
Dr. Blake Gideon, Edmond's First Baptist Church
Brett Baggett, Ekklesia Muskogee, Rescue Those
Jacen Clapp, Abortion Is Murder-KansasÂ
Dusty Deevers, Grace Community Church Elgin, Southern Baptists Abolishing Abortion
Wesley Russell, Immanuel Baptist Church, Abolish Abortion Kentucky
Matt Kenitzer, St. John's Reformed Church, Abolish Abortion Pennsylvania
Josh Eaton, Cross Point Baptist Church
Jon Speed, By the Word Baptist Church, LOOR
Ron Kronz
Jared Burdick, Abortion Is Murder-Kansas
Abolitionists Are Rising Across the Nation
Roe is dead, but abortion is alive and well. At this critical point in the history of the Abolitionist Movement, we must come together in our fight against the culture of death - both the pro-abortion side that proudly shouts their abortion, and the Pro-Life Establishment that opposes criminalizing abortion as murder.
Join us in Wichita, March 1-4, 2023 for our national Abolition Now Conference, the nation’s largest annual gathering of abolitionists. We need hundreds of abolitionists to come to Wichita and make an unforgettable impact on the city that will ripple out across the country. With the Abolitionist’s Movement’s rapid growth, the uptick in media coverage, and increase in political and denominational influence, this post-Dobbs moment is a crucial one to unify as a movement and move forward in this growth together as Abolitionists Rising across the nation. The theme of the conference, therefore, is Abolitionists Rising, and the conference coincides with the launch of our Abolitionists Rising project to cast a vision for a strong, unified Abolitionist Movement in a post-Dobbs era.
TEACHING: As always, the conference will include top-notch teaching from leading abolitionist thinkers and teachers including Russell Hunter, David Buboltz, and Bradley Pierce. These talks will touch on a number of subjects, but much of the content will be regarding the direction the Abolitionist Movement is headed after Roe v. Wade was overturned in a way that largely protected legal abortion.
ACTION: With targeted activism each day of the conference, we will seek to turn the city of Wichita upside down for Christ, as hundreds of abolitionists bring the Gospel of the Kingdom into conflict with the culture of death. With distribution of materials and street engagement, we want every Wichita resident to know the abolitionists were in town. We want them to hear the call to national repentance that is needed for our national sin of abortion. We want to see fruit born by the bushels as we engage in the work of the kingdom together. You will be blessed by the teaching and by putting your hand to the plow for Christ's kingdom, but we also NEED YOU to join us in this work. The activism and evangelism will be in groups, so there is no need to fear if you are inexperienced in these areas. There will be plenty of experienced activists to do watch and minister alongside.
The Abolition Now: Abolitionists Rising Conference runs from Wednesday evening through Saturday evening. For security reasons, the address and additional location details will be provided in your confirmation email upon registration.
Registration Includes
Each day there will be targeted activism with corresponding gear and resources.
Full registration ($145) covers attendance to the four-day conference, *three brand-new abolitionist t-shirts to be worn during planned events, plus brand-new abolitionist handouts, pamphlets, and drop cards. These materials at retail are more than a $200 value!
*One of these new shirts will be mailed to you BEFORE the conference! Be sure to pack and bring it with you.
For those who are prohibited from attending the conference by the price of full registration, we still want you to come!
Basic registration ($65) covers attendance to the conference and the conference t-shirt. Basic registration does not include abolitionist gear and resources.
Featured Speakers Include
T. Russell Hunter, Executive Director of Free the States
James Silberman, Communications Director of Free the States
Bradley Pierce, Director of Abolish Abortion Texas, Foundation to Abolish Abortion
David Buboltz, Executive Director of Abolish Abortion North Carolina
Kevan Myers, Pastor of Grace Christian Bible Fellowship
Dr. Blake Gideon, Edmond's First Baptist Church
More to be announced in the coming days!
Wednesday, March 1st
9:00 AM - Opening Session
Session Two
Thursday, March 2nd
Session Three
Friday, March 3rd
Session Four
Closing Session
9:00 PM - End
More details coming soon!
The conference sessions are taking place inside of a local Wichita Hotel. Details for the reserved block of rooms in this hotel will be emailed to you upon registration.
Please be sure to check your spam and watch your emails for any important conference updates after registration.
Explore Wichita Food at: www.visitwichita.com/restaurants/
- Bible
- Notepad
- Pens
- Backpack/small bag
You will need this for carrying materials and a water bottle with you during activism, and keeping handouts/personal items contained and with you at all times during the conference. - Warm (layered) clothing
For several of the activism events, we will be wearing specific abolitionist shirts, so bring long-sleeved sweaters/shirts to wear underneath abolitionist t-shirts in case of cold weather during outdoor events.