Free the States Has Closed It’s Doors… What’s Next? Abolitionists Rising!

James SilbermanNews, Uncategorized

Free the States has shut down and T. Russell Hunter and the rest of the former Free the States team are working to abolish abortion as Abolitionists Rising:

Since 2018, Free the States sought to abolish abortion through various projects primarily focused on asserting state sovereignty and legislative initiatives. We saw God bring significant progress for the cause of preborn children and abolition during this time.

With the current cultural and political landscape, we need to refocus our efforts on establishing a robust, nationwide Abolition Movement. This requires renewed cultural engagement, education, and an emphasis on national repentance. We strive to help build a movement united under biblical ideology and commitment to Christ, never compromising on those core principles. We as Abolitionists Rising, aim to be a catalyst for that movement and a resource for abolitionists all over the nation.

To best achieve these long-held goals, FTS is closing it’s doors and we are restructuring under a new organization, Abolitionists Rising. AR is currently active and is in the process of becoming a 501(c)3 tax-deductible organization. It will maintain former FTS staff and has established a robust board of directors.

The team has already been hard at work. We are building a website that will contain many resources, including a knowledge center, The Norman Statement, regular news updates, and ways to connect with other abolitionists in your area. Our social media outreach is expanding, which already has seen huge success with nearly two million views per day across our various platforms. We have plans for even more high-quality educational videos, podcasts, and documentaries. We are overhauling and restocking the gear store with tons of new and engaging gear.

Also, mark your calendars for the 2024 Abolition Now Conference in Charlotte, North Carolina April 18-21, which we intend to make the biggest and most culturally engaging conference yet!

Donations to Free the States have all been ceased, but your support to Abolitionists Rising is critical to keep us driving forward. We have never wanted support to be a substitute for individual action in the ways God has gifted you, but it has enabled us to put consistent effort towards the cause, and for that we thank you. If you see value in this organization and the impact it brings, please consider starting a monthly donation to Abolitionists Rising.

Three things to do!
  1. Big tech is cracking down on our ability to reach you! Our social media reach has been greatly decreased in recent months. To make sure you are not missing important content and news about abolition bills from Free the States, sign up for email updates!
  2. Be an activist! Convert people in your community to abolitionism. The best brief resource in the Abolitionist Movement for turning pro-lifers into abolitionists is the Are You An Abolitionist pamphlet. The best quadfold for outreach to pro-aborts and evangelism is the Abortion is Murder And Everybody Knows it quadfold. You can pick up copies from the Free the States store, along with t-shirts, drop cards, stickers, and activism signs!
  3. Everything we produce is possible because of the support of our donors. Help fund the fight to abolish abortion! Help us add staff and expand our programs by becoming a monthly supporter of Free the States!