It’s All About the Church

James SilbermanAbolitionism

Free the States is a lobbying organization. We spend time at the Capitol. We meet with public officials. We deliver memos. We do all that stuff.

But our primary focus is not the legislature. Our primary project is exhorting, equipping, and where necessary, rebuking the people of God. Our most important objective by far is helping the Church take its rightful place on the front lines of the battle to establish justice for the fatherless. Everything we do – every rally, conference, meeting, article, podcast, and social media post – is geared toward that end.

Accordingly, there is no greater encouragement to us than seeing the people of Ekklesia Muskogee organize and facilitate an amazing abolition conference about the American Church’s need to repent for abortion apathy and compromise. (You can view all of the talks from this conference at Our hearts are filled with joy when we speak not only to pastors Brett Baggett, Nate Yarbrough, and Brandon Allen, but to the members of the church and find that they embrace and are eager to apply the doctrine of abolitionism.

Our hearts are filled with joy seeing abolitionist pastors brainstorming and organizing abolitionist events for the upcoming year; watching dozens of Oklahoma pastors preach abolition from the pulpit; having our friends around the state ask us for resources to share with their own churches and pastors to help get their church involved in the Abolitionist Movement.

Occasionally, someone will suggest that Dan Fisher’s gubernatorial campaign, or unsuccessful abolitionist legislative campaigns, or Joseph Silk’s abolition bills failed. This couldn’t be further from the truth. Every time a clear line is drawn between the Abolitionist Movement and the Pro-Life Movement, people’s eyes are opened to a Biblical way of fighting abortion. Every time an abolitionist project is put forward, the pro-life leaders are smoked out into the open and forced to expose themselves as anti-abolitionists, and the church wakes up a little bit more.

The primary objective of everything we do is to raise high a righteous standard that draws the Church of Jesus Christ out of complacency and compromise and into the battle against the great evil of our age, and that is why no abolitionist bill or campaign has gone to waste. Francis Schaeffer was correct in writing, “Every abortion clinic should have a sign in front of it saying, ‘Open by the permission of the Church.'” Schaeffer is correct because the Church of Jesus Christ has the power to abolish abortion. We possess the most powerful Truth in the universe: The word became flesh and dwelt among us, lived a sinless life, died to pay the penalty for the sins of all who repent and follow Him, and then rose again in victory over sin and death. He ascended to the right hand of the Father and His Spirit is now moving through the hearts of men convicting them of their sin and turning them to God.

The only way child sacrifice can remain legal in a state where 80 percent of the population professes to believe that Truth is if those Christians are failing to bring it into conflict with the culture of death.

But the righteous standard has been raised. Bold Christians are answering the call. Churches are taking on the responsibility to rescue those being led to slaughter and establish justice for the fatherless. That’s how we know our efforts are bearing fruit and that’s why we know abortion is going to be abolished.

Three things to do!
  1. Big tech is cracking down on our ability to reach you! Our social media reach has been greatly decreased in recent months. To make sure you are not missing important content and news about abolition bills from Free the States, sign up for email updates!
  2. Be an activist! Convert people in your community to abolitionism. The best brief resource in the Abolitionist Movement for turning pro-lifers into abolitionists is the Are You An Abolitionist pamphlet. The best quadfold for outreach to pro-aborts and evangelism is the Abortion is Murder And Everybody Knows it quadfold. You can pick up copies from the Free the States store, along with t-shirts, drop cards, stickers, and activism signs!
  3. Everything we produce is possible because of the support of our donors. Help fund the fight to abolish abortion! Help us add staff and expand our programs by becoming a monthly supporter of Free the States!